
Donate and Support The Mills Church

Your gifts help us to do so much within the church and beyond the church. In The United Methodist Church we are encouraged to give in the following ways:

  • Prayers- by praying for the church and our community every day.

  • Presence- by attending worship, whether in person or online and by participating in the ministries that take place here.

  • Gifts- by giving financially to the church, or sharing your gifts through worship and service.

  • Service- by getting involved. This can mean things like serving on the Lead Team, the Praise Team, or helping to head up a new ministry.

  • Witness- by sharing the love of God with others and telling your story.

Your gifts help us to care for our building and our community.

Since March of 2021 we have completed the following projects:

  • Repaired and replaced portions of our roof

  • Replaced window AC units in our TRAC Studios

  • Renovated the office/work space

  • Renovated three bathrooms in the sanctuary and fellowship hall buildings

  • Renovated the kitchen

  • Replaced window units in the fellowship hall and kitchen with mini split systems

We want our space to be a place of safety and hospitality and we want to know your ideas and visions too! Please share them with us by reaching out to Pastor Renee!

Taking care of our space is a sign of our stewardship. It also helps to fulfill our goal of being a space that is open to and for the community.